-William Shakespeare
What can I say but "WOW!", my heart overflows as I try to type into words what my heart longs to express. To see our two beautiful daughters all dressed up tonight anticipating to spend some time with their father brought my heart such joy, words fall so short to express.
“Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.” ~Joseph Addison
"It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was."
I really think our culture fails to acknowledge the powerful effect that a father has on his children and how extremely vital he is in their lives. It hurts my heart to see so many without a godly father influence in their lives. I know there are circumstances beyond one's control and many times it cannot be helped and to all my single mother friends I commend you all and give you a HUGE heart hug I know how hard you ladies are working to pull it all together and lead your families I love you ladies!! <3
Fathers hold a place in their little girl's hearts that can never be filled by any earthly person! That's why it is so extremely vitally important to have time set aside for them. YOU are their world. I don't say that in the sense that they don't need mothers because let's face it we are needed too! But girl's look up to their dads to protect and provide in ways we can't. They long from a very young age to be accepted and completely loved by their daddy. You are the key to their future dads! How you treat them now will determine what kind of man they will marry some day. It will also affect how they view their Heavenly Father.
Children base their view of God on their relationship with their dad. Is he kind or hateful, loving or distant, humble or arrogant, compassionate or cold, does he accept me just as I am flaws and all or is he judgmental and constantly criticizing me and putting me down.
I can't express enough the opportunity that fathers have right in front of them and I am not putting any father down I know there is a lot of weight and responsibility that you guys carry around daily and sometimes it seems so hard to bear but God must have thought you could handle it because he has placed you as the head of your household and the priest of your home. I don't blog this to tear you down or criticize you dads but to lift you up and encourage you to be what you were destined to be in Christ Jesus. You have such an awesome and unique responsibility to your children, especially your daughter(s). You can influence them in ways no one else could ever. There are endless opportunities to teach, to laugh, to equip, and to love! Don't let those moments pass you by for they will never come around again. In the blink of an eye they are "all grown up" and on their own. Cherish the present moments for it is only the here and now that we are given as a guarantee.
“Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!”